A novel algorithm to detect road lanes in videos, called recursive video...
A novel 4K video frame interpolator based on bilateral transformer (BiFo...
A typical monocular depth estimator is trained for a single camera, so i...
Trit-plane coding enables deep progressive image compression, but it can...
Eigencontours are the first data-driven contour descriptors based on sin...
We propose a novel algorithm for monocular depth estimation that decompo...
A novel algorithm to detect road lanes in the eigenlane space is propose...
A novel algorithm to detect semantic lines is proposed in this paper. We...
Novel contour descriptors, called eigencontours, based on low-rank
DPICT is the first learning-based image codec supporting fine granular
A novel ordinal regression algorithm, called moving window regression (M...
We propose the deep progressive image compression using trit-planes (DPI...
A CNN-based interactive contrast enhancement algorithm, called IceNet, i...
We propose a novel video frame interpolation algorithm based on asymmetr...
We propose a novel guided interactive segmentation (GIS) algorithm for v...
A novel algorithm to detect an optimal set of semantic lines is proposed...
An interactive video object segmentation algorithm, which takes scribble...