The problem of total-order (uniform reliable) broadcast is fundamental i...
We study a well-known communication abstraction called Byzantine Reliabl...
One of the most celebrated problems of fault-tolerant distributed comput...
The problem of multivalued consensus is fundamental in the area of
At PODC 2014, A. Mostéfaoui, H. Moumen, and M. Raynal presented a new an...
Fog Computing is now emerging as the dominating paradigm bridging the co...
Guerraoui proposed an indulgent solution for the binary consensus proble...
A snapshot object simulates the behavior of an array of
A fault-tolerant negotiation-based intersection crossing protocol is
We study the problem of privately emulating shared memory in message-pas...
Vector clock algorithms are basic wait-free building blocks that facilit...
By introducing programmability, automated verification, and innovative