3D Terrestrial lidar data classification of complex natural scenes using a multi-scale dimensionality criterion: applications in geomorphology

by   Nicolas Brodu, et al.

3D point clouds of natural environments relevant to problems in geomorphology often require classification of the data into elementary relevant classes. A typical example is the separation of riparian vegetation from ground in fluvial environments, the distinction between fresh surfaces and rockfall in cliff environments, or more generally the classification of surfaces according to their morphology. Natural surfaces are heterogeneous and their distinctive properties are seldom defined at a unique scale, prompting the use of multi-scale criteria to achieve a high degree of classification success. We have thus defined a multi-scale measure of the point cloud dimensionality around each point, which characterizes the local 3D organization. We can thus monitor how the local cloud geometry behaves across scales. We present the technique and illustrate its efficiency in separating riparian vegetation from ground and classifying a mountain stream as vegetation, rock, gravel or water surface. In these two cases, separating the vegetation from ground or other classes achieve accuracy larger than 98 approach shows the superiority of the multi-scale analysis in enhancing class separability and spatial resolution. The technique is robust to missing data, shadow zones and changes in point density within the scene. The classification is fast and accurate and can account for some degree of intra-class morphological variability such as different vegetation types. A probabilistic confidence in the classification result is given at each point, allowing the user to remove the points for which the classification is uncertain. The process can be both fully automated, but also fully customized by the user including a graphical definition of the classifiers. Although developed for fully 3D data, the method can be readily applied to 2.5D airborne lidar data.


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