A Fast Insertion Operator for Ridesharing over Time-Dependent Road Networks

by   Zengyang Gong, et al.

Ridesharing has become a promising travel mode recently due to the economic and social benefits. As an essential operator, "insertion operator" has been extensively studied over static road networks. When a new request appears, the insertion operator is used to find the optimal positions of a worker's current route to insert the origin and destination of this request and minimize the travel time of this worker. Previous works study how to conduct the insertion operation efficiently in static road networks, however, in reality, the route planning should be addressed by considering the dynamic traffic scenario (i.e., a time-dependent road network). Unfortunately, existing solutions to the insertion operator become in efficient under this setting. Thus, this paper studies the insertion operator over time-dependent road networks. Specially, to reduce the high time complexity O(n^3) of existing solution, we calculate the compound travel time functions along the route to speed up the calculation of the travel time between vertex pairs belonging to the route, as a result time complexity of an insertion can be reduced to O(n^2). Finally, we further improve the method to a linear-time insertion algorithm by showing that it only needs O(1) time to find the best position of current route to insert the origin when linearly enumerating each possible position for the new request's destination. Evaluations on two real-world and large-scale datasets show that our methods can accelerate the existing insertion algorithm by up to 25 times.


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