A flexible, random histogram kernel for discrete-time Hawkes processes

by   Raiha Browning, et al.

Hawkes processes are a self-exciting stochastic process used to describe phenomena whereby past events increase the probability of the occurrence of future events. This work presents a flexible approach for modelling a variant of these, namely discrete-time Hawkes processes. Most standard models of Hawkes processes rely on a parametric form for the function describing the influence of past events, referred to as the triggering kernel. This is likely to be insufficient to capture the true excitation pattern, particularly for complex data. By utilising trans-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo inference techniques, our proposed model for the triggering kernel can take the form of any step function, affording significantly more flexibility than a parametric form. We first demonstrate the utility of the proposed model through a comprehensive simulation study. This includes univariate scenarios, and multivariate scenarios whereby there are multiple interacting Hawkes processes. We then apply the proposed model to several case studies: the interaction between two countries during the early to middle stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, taking Italy and France as an example, and the interaction of terrorist activity between two countries in close spatial proximity, Indonesia and the Philippines, and then within three regions of the Philippines.


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