A Guide to Comparing the Performance of VA Algorithms

by   Samuel J. Clark, et al.

The literature comparing the performance of algorithms for assigning cause of death using verbal autopsy data is fractious and does not reach a consensus on which algorithms perform best, or even how to do the comparison. This manuscript explains the challenges and suggests a way forward. A universal challenge is the lack of standard training and testing data. This limits meaningful comparisons between algorithms, and further, limits the ability of any algorithm to classify verbal autopsy deaths by cause in a way that is widely generalizable across regions and through time. Verbal autopsy algorithms utilize a variety of information to describe the relationship between verbal autopsy symptoms and causes of death - called symptom-cause information (SCI). A crowd sourced, public archive of SCI managed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is suggested as a way to address the lack of SCI for developing, testing, and comparing verbal autopsy coding algorithms, and additionally, as a way to ensure that algorithm-assigned causes of death are as accurate and comparable across regions and through time as possible.


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