A Linear Exponential Comonad in s-finite Transition Kernels and Probabilistic Coherent Spaces

by   Masahiro Hamano, et al.

This paper concerns a stochastic construction of probabilistic coherent spaces by employing novel ingredients (i) linear exponential comonads arising properly in the measure-theory (ii) continuous orthogonality between measures and measurable functions. A linear exponential comonad is constructed over a symmetric monoidal category of transition kernels, relaxing Markov kernels of Panangaden's stochastic relations into s-finite kernels. The model supports an orthogonality in terms of an integral between measures and measurable functions, which can be seen as a continuous extension of Girard-Danos-Ehrhard's linear duality for probabilistic coherent spaces. The orthogonality is formulated by a Hyland-Schalk double glueing construction, into which our measure theoretic monoidal comonad structure is accommodated. As an application to countable measurable spaces, a dagger compact closed category is obtained, whose double glueing gives rise to the familiar category of probabilistic coherent spaces.


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