A Programmable Approach to Model Compression

by   Vinu Joseph, et al.

Deep neural networks frequently contain far more weights, represented at a higher precision, than are required for the specific task which they are trained to perform. Consequently, they can often be compressed using techniques such as weight pruning and quantization that reduce both model size and inference time without appreciable loss in accuracy. Compressing models before they are deployed can therefore result in significantly more efficient systems. However, while the results are desirable, finding the best compression strategy for a given neural network, target platform, and optimization objective often requires extensive experimentation. Moreover, finding optimal hyperparameters for a given compression strategy typically results in even more expensive, frequently manual, trial-and-error exploration. In this paper, we introduce a programmable system for model compression called Condensa. Users programmatically compose simple operators, in Python, to build complex compression strategies. Given a strategy and a user-provided objective, such as minimization of running time, Condensa uses a novel sample-efficient constrained Bayesian optimization algorithm to automatically infer desirable sparsity ratios. Our experiments on three real-world image classification and language modeling tasks demonstrate memory footprint reductions of up to 65x and runtime throughput improvements of up to 2.22x using at most 10 samples per search. We have released a reference implementation of Condensa at https://github.com/NVlabs/condensa.


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