A Spectral Method for Identifiable Grade of Membership Analysis with Binary Responses

by   Ling Chen, et al.

Grade of Membership (GoM) models are popular individual-level mixture models for multivariate categorical data. GoM allows each subject to have mixed memberships in multiple extreme latent profiles. Therefore GoM models have a richer modeling capacity than latent class models that restrict each subject to belong to a single profile. The flexibility of GoM comes at the cost of more challenging identifiability and estimation problems. In this work, we propose a singular value decomposition (SVD) based spectral approach to GoM analysis with multivariate binary responses. Our approach hinges on the observation that the expectation of the data matrix has a low-rank decomposition under a GoM model. For identifiability, we develop sufficient and almost necessary conditions for a notion of expectation identifiability. For estimation, we extract only a few leading singular vectors of the observed data matrix, and exploit the simplex geometry of these vectors to estimate the mixed membership scores and other parameters. Our spectral method has a huge computational advantage over Bayesian or likelihood-based methods and is scalable to large-scale and high-dimensional data. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate the superior efficiency and accuracy of our method. We also illustrate our method by applying it to a personality test dataset.


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