Acoustic echo suppression using a learning-based multi-frame minimum variance distortionless response filter

by   Yuefeng Tsai, et al.

Distortion resulting from acoustic echo suppression (AES) is a common issue in full-duplex communication. To address the distortion problem, a multi-frame minimum variance distortionless response (MFMVDR) filtering technique is proposed. The MFMVDR filter with parameter estimation which was used in speech enhancement problems is extended in this study from a deep learning perspective. To alleviate numerical instability of the MFMVDR filter, we propose to directly estimate the inverse of the correlation matrix. The AES system is advantageous in that no double-talk detection is required. The negative scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio is employed as the loss function in training the network at the output of the MFMVDR filter. Simulation results have demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed learning-based AES system in double-talk, background noise, and nonlinear distortion conditions.


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