An Adaptive Parallel Arc-Length Method

by   H. M. Verhelst, et al.

Parallel computing is omnipresent in today's scientific computer landscape, starting at multicore processors in desktop computers up to massively parallel clusters. While domain decomposition methods have a long tradition in computational mechanics to decompose spatial problems into multiple subproblems that can be solved in parallel, advancing solution schemes for dynamics or quasi-statics are inherently serial processes. For quasi-static simulations, however, there is no accumulating 'time' discretization error, hence an alternative approach is required. In this paper, we present an Adaptive Parallel Arc-Length Method (APALM). By using a domain parametrization of the arc-length instead of time, the multi-level error for the arc-length parametrization is formed by the load parameter and the solution norm. By applying local refinements in the arc-length parameter, the APALM refines solutions where the non-linearity in the load-response space is maximal. The concept is easily extended for bifurcation problems. The performance of the method is demonstrated using isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love shells on problems with snap-through and pitch-fork instabilities. It can be concluded that the adaptivity of the method works as expected and that a relatively coarse approximation of the serial initialization can already be used to produce a good approximation in parallel.


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