An Evaluation and Ranking of Different Voting Schemes for Improved Visual Place Recognition

by   Maria Waheed, et al.

Visual Place Recognition has recently seen a surge of endeavours utilizing different ensemble approaches to improve VPR performance. Ideas like multi-process fusion or switching involve combining different VPR techniques together, utilizing different strategies. One major aspect often common to many of these strategies is voting. Voting is widely used in many ensemble methods, so it is potentially a relevant subject to explore in terms of its application and significance for improving VPR performance. This paper attempts to looks into detail and analyze a variety of voting schemes to evaluate which voting technique is optimal for an ensemble VPR set up. We take inspiration from a variety of voting schemes that exist and are widely employed in other research fields such as politics and sociology. The idea is inspired by an observation that different voting methods result in different outcomes for the same type of data and each voting scheme is utilized for specific cases in different academic fields. Some of these voting schemes include Condorcet voting, Broda Count and Plurality voting. Voting employed in any aspect requires that a fair system be established, that outputs the best and most favourable results which in our case would involve improving VPR performance. We evaluate some of these voting techniques in a standardized testing of different VPR techniques, using a variety of VPR data sets. We aim to determine whether a single optimal voting scheme exists or, much like in other fields of research, the selection of a voting technique is relative to its application and environment. We also aim to propose a ranking of these different voting methods from best to worst according to our results as this will allow for better selection of voting schemes.


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