Anomaly Crossing: A New Method for Video Anomaly Detection as Cross-domain Few-shot Learning

by   Guangyu Sun, et al.

Video anomaly detection aims to identify abnormal events that occurred in videos. Since anomalous events are relatively rare, it is not feasible to collect a balanced dataset and train a binary classifier to solve the task. Thus, most previous approaches learn only from normal videos using unsupervised or semi-supervised methods. Obviously, they are limited in capturing and utilizing discriminative abnormal characteristics, which leads to compromised anomaly detection performance. In this paper, to address this issue, we propose a new learning paradigm by making full use of both normal and abnormal videos for video anomaly detection. In particular, we formulate a new learning task: cross-domain few-shot anomaly detection, which can transfer knowledge learned from numerous videos in the source domain to help solve few-shot abnormality detection in the target domain. Concretely, we leverage self-supervised training on the target normal videos to reduce the domain gap and devise a meta context perception module to explore the video context of the event in the few-shot setting. Our experiments show that our method significantly outperforms baseline methods on DoTA and UCF-Crime datasets, and the new task contributes to a more practical training paradigm for anomaly detection.


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