Another Look at Quantum Neural Computing

by   Subhash Kak, et al.

The term quantum neural computing indicates a unity in the functioning of the brain. It assumes that the neural structures perform classical processing and that the virtual particles associated with the dynamical states of the structures define the underlying quantum state. We revisit the concept and also summarize new arguments related to the learning modes of the brain in response to sensory input that may be aggregated in three types: associative, reorganizational, and quantum. The associative and reorganizational types are quite apparent based on experimental findings; it is much harder to establish that the brain as an entity exhibits quantum properties. We argue that the reorganizational behavior of the brain may be viewed as inner adjustment corresponding to its quantum behavior at the system level. Not only neural structures but their higher abstractions also may be seen as whole entities. We consider the dualities associated with the behavior of the brain and how these dualities are bridged.


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