Application of Zone Method based Machine Learning and Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Reheating Furnaces

by   Ujjal Kr Dutta, et al.

Despite the high economic relevance of Foundation Industries, certain components like Reheating furnaces within their manufacturing chain are energy-intensive. Notable energy consumption reduction could be obtained by reducing the overall heating time in furnaces. Computer-integrated Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered control systems in furnaces could be enablers in achieving the Net-Zero goals in Foundation Industries for sustainable manufacturing. In this work, due to the infeasibility of achieving good quality data in scenarios like reheating furnaces, classical Hottel's zone method based computational model has been used to generate data for ML and Deep Learning (DL) based model training via regression. It should be noted that the zone method provides an elegant way to model the physical phenomenon of Radiative Heat Transfer (RHT), the dominating heat transfer mechanism in high-temperature processes inside heating furnaces. Using this data, an extensive comparison among a wide range of state-of-the-art, representative ML and DL methods has been made against their temperature prediction performances in varying furnace environments. Owing to their holistic balance among inference times and model performance, DL stands out among its counterparts. To further enhance the Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) generalization capability of the trained DL models, we propose a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) by incorporating prior physical knowledge using a set of novel Energy-Balance regularizers. Our setup is a generic framework, is geometry-agnostic of the 3D structure of the underlying furnace, and as such could accommodate any standard ML regression model, to serve as a Digital Twin of the underlying physical processes, for transitioning Foundation Industries towards Industry 4.0.


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