Attention Back-end for Automatic Speaker Verification with Multiple Enrollment Utterances
A back-end model is a key element of modern speaker verification systems. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) has been widely used as a back-end model in speaker verification. However, it cannot fully make use of multiple utterances from enrollment speakers. In this paper, we propose a novel attention-based back-end model, which can be used for both text-independent (TI) and text-dependent (TD) speaker verification with multiple enrollment utterances, and employ scaled-dot self-attention and feed-forward self-attention networks as architectures that learn the intra-relationships of the enrollment utterances. In order to verify the proposed attention back-end, we combine it with two completely different but dominant speaker encoders, which are time delay neural network (TDNN) and ResNet trained using the additive-margin-based softmax loss and the uniform loss, and compare them with the conventional PLDA or cosine scoring approaches. Experimental results on a multi-genre dataset called CN-Celeb show that the performance of our proposed approach outperforms PLDA scoring with TDNN and cosine scoring with ResNet by around 14.1 experiment is also reported in this paper for examining the impact of some significant hyper-parameters for the proposed back-end model.