AutoKGE: Searching Scoring Functions for Knowledge Graph Embedding

by   Yongqi Zhang, et al.

Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) aims to find low dimensional vector representations of entities and relations so that their similarities can be quantized. Scoring functions (SFs), which are used to build a model to measure the similarity between entities based on a given relation, have developed as the crux of KGE. Humans have designed lots of SFs in the literature, and the evolving of SF has become the primary power source of boosting KGE's performance. However, such improvements gradually get marginal. Besides, with so many SFs, how to make a proper choice among existing SFs already becomes a non-trivial problem. Inspired by the recent success of automated machine learning (AutoML), in this paper, we propose automated KGE (AutoKGE), to design and discover distinct SFs for KGE automatically. We first identify a unified representation over popularly used SFs, which helps to set up a search space for AutoKGE. Then, we propose a greedy algorithm, which is enhanced by a predictor to estimate the final performance without model training, to search through the space. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our AutoKGE. Finally, the SFs, searched by our method, are KG dependent, new to the literature, and outperform existing state-of-the-arts SFs designed by humans.


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