Automatic Derivation Of Formulas Using Reforcement Learning

by   MinZhong Luo, et al.

This paper presents an artificial intelligence algorithm that can be used to derive formulas from various scientific disciplines called automatic derivation machine. First, the formula is abstractly expressed as a multiway tree model, and then each step of the formula derivation transformation is abstracted as a mapping of multiway trees. Derivation steps similar can be expressed as a reusable formula template by a multiway tree map. After that, the formula multiway tree is eigen-encoded to feature vectors construct the feature space of formulas, the Q-learning model using in this feature space can achieve the derivation by making training data from derivation process. Finally, an automatic formula derivation machine is made to choose the next derivation step based on the current state and object. We also make an example about the nuclear reactor physics problem to show how the automatic derivation machine works.


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