Automatic Detection of Arousals during Sleep using Multiple Physiological Signals

by   Saman Parvaneh, et al.

The visual scoring of arousals during sleep routinely conducted by sleep experts is a challenging task warranting an automatic approach. This paper presents an algorithm for automatic detection of arousals during sleep. Using the Physionet/CinC Challenge dataset, an 80-20 performed to create in-house training and test sets, respectively. The data for each subject in the training set was split to 30-second epochs with no overlap. A total of 428 features from EEG, EMG, EOG, airflow, and SaO2 in each epoch were extracted and used for creating subject-specific models based on an ensemble of bagged classification trees, resulting in 943 models. For marking arousal and non-arousal regions in the test set, the data in the test set was split to 30-second epochs with 50 probabilities from different patient-specific models was assigned to each 30-second epoch and then a sample-wise probability vector with the same length as test data was created for model evaluation. Using the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2018 scoring criteria, AUPRCs of 0.25 and 0.21 were achieved for the in-house test and blind test sets, respectively.


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