AutoSplice: A Text-prompt Manipulated Image Dataset for Media Forensics

by   Shan Jia, et al.

Recent advancements in language-image models have led to the development of highly realistic images that can be generated from textual descriptions. However, the increased visual quality of these generated images poses a potential threat to the field of media forensics. This paper aims to investigate the level of challenge that language-image generation models pose to media forensics. To achieve this, we propose a new approach that leverages the DALL-E2 language-image model to automatically generate and splice masked regions guided by a text prompt. To ensure the creation of realistic manipulations, we have designed an annotation platform with human checking to verify reasonable text prompts. This approach has resulted in the creation of a new image dataset called AutoSplice, containing 5,894 manipulated and authentic images. Specifically, we have generated a total of 3,621 images by locally or globally manipulating real-world image-caption pairs, which we believe will provide a valuable resource for developing generalized detection methods in this area. The dataset is evaluated under two media forensic tasks: forgery detection and localization. Our extensive experiments show that most media forensic models struggle to detect the AutoSplice dataset as an unseen manipulation. However, when fine-tuned models are used, they exhibit improved performance in both tasks.


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