Average Biased ReLU Based CNN Descriptor for Improved Face Retrieval

by   Shiv Ram Dubey, et al.

The convolutional neural networks (CNN) like AlexNet, GoogleNet, VGGNet, etc. have been proven as the very discriminative feature descriptor for many computer vision problems. The trained CNN model over one dataset performs reasonably well over another dataset of similar type and outperforms the hand-designed feature descriptor. The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layer discards some information in order to introduce the non-linearity. In this paper, it is proposed that the discriminative ability of deep image representation using trained model can be improved by Average Biased ReLU (AB-ReLU) at last few layers. Basically, AB-ReLU improves the discriminative ability by two ways: 1) it also exploits some of the discriminative and discarded negative information of ReLU and 2) it kills the irrelevant and positive information used by ReLU. The VGGFace model already trained in MatConvNet over the VGG-Face dataset is used as the feature descriptor for face retrieval over other face datasets. The proposed approach is tested over six challenging unconstrained and robust face datasets like PubFig, LFW, PaSC, AR, etc. in retrieval framework. It is observed that AB-ReLU is consistently performed better than ReLU using VGGFace pretrained model over face datasets.


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