Bayesian Knowledge-driven Critiquing with Indirect Evidence

by   Armin Toroghi, et al.

Conversational recommender systems (CRS) enhance the expressivity and personalization of recommendations through multiple turns of user-system interaction. Critiquing is a well-known paradigm for CRS that allows users to iteratively refine recommendations by providing feedback about attributes of recommended items. While existing critiquing methodologies utilize direct attributes of items to address user requests such as 'I prefer Western movies', the opportunity of incorporating richer contextual and side information about items stored in Knowledge Graphs (KG) into the critiquing paradigm has been overlooked. Employing this substantial knowledge together with a well-established reasoning methodology paves the way for critique-based recommenders to allow for complex knowledge-based feedback (e.g., 'I like movies featuring war side effects on veterans') which may arise in natural user-system conversations. In this work, we aim to increase the flexibility of critique-based recommendation by integrating KGs and propose a novel Bayesian inference framework that enables reasoning with relational knowledge-based feedback. We study and formulate the framework considering a Gaussian likelihood and evaluate it on two well-known recommendation datasets with KGs. Our evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in leveraging indirect KG-based feedback (i.e., preferred relational properties of items rather than preferred items themselves), often improving personalized recommendations over a one-shot recommender by more than 15 a new paradigm for using rich knowledge content and reasoning over indirect evidence as a mechanism for critiquing interactions with CRS.


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