BERT based classification system for detecting rumours on Twitter

by   Rini Anggrainingsih, et al.

The role of social media in opinion formation has far-reaching implications in all spheres of society. Though social media provide platforms for expressing news and views, it is hard to control the quality of posts due to the sheer volumes of posts on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Misinformation and rumours have lasting effects on society, as they tend to influence people's opinions and also may motivate people to act irrationally. It is therefore very important to detect and remove rumours from these platforms. The only way to prevent the spread of rumours is through automatic detection and classification of social media posts. Our focus in this paper is the Twitter social medium, as it is relatively easy to collect data from Twitter. The majority of previous studies used supervised learning approaches to classify rumours on Twitter. These approaches rely on feature extraction to obtain both content and context features from the text of tweets to distinguish rumours and non-rumours. Manually extracting features however is time-consuming considering the volume of tweets. We propose a novel approach to deal with this problem by utilising sentence embedding using BERT to identify rumours on Twitter, rather than the usual feature extraction techniques. We use sentence embedding using BERT to represent each tweet's sentences into a vector according to the contextual meaning of the tweet. We classify those vectors into rumours or non-rumours by using various supervised learning techniques. Our BERT based models improved the accuracy by approximately 10


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