Better Bounds on the Adaptivity Gap of Influence Maximization under Full-adoption Feedback

by   Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, et al.

In the influence maximization (IM) problem, we are given a social network and a budget k, and we look for a set of k nodes in the network, called seeds, that maximize the expected number of nodes that are reached by an influence cascade generated by the seeds, according to some stochastic model for influence diffusion. In this paper, we study the adaptive IM, where the nodes are selected sequentially one by one, and the decision on the ith seed can be based on the observed cascade produced by the first i-1 seeds. We focus on the full-adoption feedback in which we can observe the entire cascade of each previously selected seed and on the independent cascade model where each edge is associated with an independent probability of diffusing influence. Our main result is the first sub-linear upper bound that holds for any graph. Specifically, we show that the adaptivity gap is upper-bounded by ⌈ n^1/3⌉, where n is the number of nodes in the graph. Moreover, we improve over the known upper bound for in-arborescences from 2e/e-1≈ 3.16 to 2e^2/e^2-1≈ 2.31. Finally, we study α-bounded graphs, a class of undirected graphs in which the sum of node degrees higher than two is at most α, and show that the adaptivity gap is upper-bounded by √(α)+O(1). Moreover, we show that in 0-bounded graphs, i.e. undirected graphs in which each connected component is a path or a cycle, the adaptivity gap is at most 3e^3/e^3-1≈ 3.16. To prove our bounds, we introduce new techniques to relate adaptive policies with non-adaptive ones that might be of their own interest.


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