Blockchain Meets COVID-19: A Framework for Contact Information Sharing and Risk Notification System

by   Jinyue Song, et al.

COVID-19 causes a global epidemic infection, which is the most severe infection disaster in human history. In the absence of particular medication and vaccines, tracing and isolating the source of infection is the best option to slow the spread of the virus and reduce infection and death rates among the population. There are three main obstacles in the process of tracing the infection: 1) Patient's electronic health record is stored in a traditional centralized database that could be stolen and tampered with the infection data, 2) The confidential personal identity of the infected user may be revealed to a third party or organization, 3) Existing infection tracing systems do not trace infections from multiple dimensions. Either the system is location-based or individual-based tracing. In this work, we propose a global COVID-19 information sharing system that utilizes the Blockchain, Smart Contract, and Bluetooth technologies. The proposed system unifies location-based and Bluetooth-based contact tracing services into the Blockchain platform, where the automatically executed smart contracts are deployed so that users can get consistent and non-tamperable virus trails. The anonymous functionality provided by the Blockchain and Bluetooth technology protects the user's identity privacy. With our proposed analysis formula for estimating the probability of infection, users can take measures to protect themselves in advance. We also implement a prototype system to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach.


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