Boosting Entity Mention Detection for Targetted Twitter Streams with Global Contextual Embeddings

by   Satadisha Saha Bhowmick, et al.

Microblogging sites, like Twitter, have emerged as ubiquitous sources of information. Two important tasks related to the automatic extraction and analysis of information in Microblogs are Entity Mention Detection (EMD) and Entity Detection (ED). The state-of-the-art EMD systems aim to model the non-literary nature of microblog text by training upon offline static datasets. They extract a combination of surface-level features – orthographic, lexical, and semantic – from individual messages for noisy text modeling and entity extraction. But given the constantly evolving nature of microblog streams, detecting all entity mentions from such varying yet limited context of short messages remains a difficult problem. To this end, we propose a framework named EMD Globalizer, better suited for the execution of EMD learners on microblog streams. It deviates from the processing of isolated microblog messages by existing EMD systems, where learned knowledge from the immediate context of a message is used to suggest entities. After an initial extraction of entity candidates by an EMD system, the proposed framework leverages occurrence mining to find additional candidate mentions that are missed during this first detection. Aggregating the local contextual representations of these mentions, a global embedding is drawn from the collective context of an entity candidate within a stream. The global embeddings are then utilized to separate entities within the candidates from false positives. All mentions of said entities from the stream are produced in the framework's final outputs. Our experiments show that EMD Globalizer can enhance the effectiveness of all existing EMD systems that we tested (on average by 25.61 overhead.


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