Candidate Fusion: Integrating Language Modelling into a Sequence-to-Sequence Handwritten Word Recognition Architecture

by   Lei Kang, et al.

Sequence-to-sequence models have recently become very popular for tackling handwritten word recognition problems. However, how to effectively integrate an external language model into such recognizer is still a challenging problem. The main challenge faced when training a language model is to deal with the language model corpus which is usually different to the one used for training the handwritten word recognition system. Thus, the bias between both word corpora leads to incorrectness on the transcriptions, providing similar or even worse performances on the recognition task. In this work, we introduce Candidate Fusion, a novel way to integrate an external language model to a sequence-to-sequence architecture. Moreover, it provides suggestions from an external language knowledge, as a new input to the sequence-to-sequence recognizer. Hence, Candidate Fusion provides two improvements. On the one hand, the sequence-to-sequence recognizer has the flexibility not only to combine the information from itself and the language model, but also to choose the importance of the information provided by the language model. On the other hand, the external language model has the ability to adapt itself to the training corpus and even learn the most commonly errors produced from the recognizer. Finally, by conducting comprehensive experiments, the Candidate Fusion proves to outperform the state-of-the-art language models for handwritten word recognition tasks.


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