CannyFS: Opportunistically Maximizing I/O Throughput Exploiting the Transactional Nature of Batch-Mode Data Processing

by   Jessica Nettelblad, et al.

We introduce a user mode file system, CannyFS, that hides latency by assuming all I/O operations will succeed. The user mode process will in turn report errors, allowing proper cleanup and a repeated attempt to take place. We demonstrate benefits for the model tasks of extracting archives and removing directory trees in a real-life HPC environment, giving typical reductions in time use of over 80 This approach can be considered a view of HPC jobs and their I/O activity as transactions. In general, file systems lack clearly defined transaction semantics. Over time, the competing trends to add cache and maintain data integrity have resulted in different practical tradeoffs. High-performance computing is a special case where overall throughput demands are high. Latency can also be high, with non-local storage. In addition, a theoretically possible I/O error (like permission denied, loss of connection, exceeding disk quota) will frequently warrant the resubmission of a full job or task, rather than traditional error reporting or handling. Therefore, opportunistically treating each I/O operation as successful, and part of a larger transaction, can speed up some applications that do not leverage asynchronous I/O.


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