Certifiably Correct Range-Aided SLAM

by   Alan Papalia, et al.

We present the first algorithm capable of efficiently computing certifiably optimal solutions to range-aided simultaneous localization and mapping (RA-SLAM) problems. Robotic navigation systems are increasingly incorporating point-to-point ranging sensors, leading state estimation which takes the form of RA-SLAM. However, the RA-SLAM problem is more difficult to solve than traditional pose-graph SLAM; ranging sensor models introduce additional non-convexity, unlike pose-pose or pose-landmark measurements, a single range measurement does not uniquely determine the relative transform between the involved sensors, and RA-SLAM inference is highly sensitive to initial estimates. Our approach relaxes the RA-SLAM problem to a semidefinite program (SDP), which we show how to solve efficiently using the Riemannian staircase methodology. The solution of this SDP provides a high-quality initialization for our original RA-SLAM problem, which is subsequently refined via local optimization, as well as a lower-bound on the RA-SLAM problem's optimal value. Our algorithm, named certifiably correct RA-SLAM (CORA), applies to problems comprised of arbitrary pose-pose, pose-landmark, and ranging measurements. Evaluation on simulated and real-world marine examples shows that our algorithm frequently produces certifiably optimal RA-SLAM solutions; moreover, even suboptimal estimates are typically within 1-2% of the optimal value.


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