Classification of Edge-dependent Labels of Nodes in Hypergraphs

by   Minyoung Choe, et al.

A hypergraph is a data structure composed of nodes and hyperedges, where each hyperedge is an any-sized subset of nodes. Due to the flexibility in hyperedge size, hypergraphs represent group interactions (e.g., co-authorship by more than two authors) more naturally and accurately than ordinary graphs. Interestingly, many real-world systems modeled as hypergraphs contain edge-dependent node labels, i.e., node labels that vary depending on hyperedges. For example, on co-authorship datasets, the same author (i.e., a node) can be the primary author in a paper (i.e., a hyperedge) but the corresponding author in another paper (i.e., another hyperedge). In this work, we introduce a classification of edge-dependent node labels as a new problem. This problem can be used as a benchmark task for hypergraph neural networks, which recently have attracted great attention, and also the usefulness of edge-dependent node labels has been verified in various applications. To tackle this problem, we propose WHATsNet, a novel hypergraph neural network that represents the same node differently depending on the hyperedges it participates in by reflecting its varying importance in the hyperedges. To this end, WHATsNet models the relations between nodes within each hyperedge, using their relative centrality as positional encodings. In our experiments, we demonstrate that WHATsNet significantly and consistently outperforms ten competitors on six real-world hypergraphs, and we also show successful applications of WHATsNet to (a) ranking aggregation, (b) node clustering, and (c) product return prediction.


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