Classification of the lunar surface pattern by AI architectures: Does AI see a rabbit in the Moon?

by   Daigo Shoji, et al.

In Asian countries, there is a tradition that a rabbit (the Moon rabbit) lives on the Moon. As the origin of this tradition, usually, two reasons are mentioned. One reason is that the color pattern of the lunar surface is similar to the shape of a rabbit. The other reason is that both the Moon and rabbit are symbols of fertility because the Moon appears and disappears (i.e., waxing and waning) cyclically, and rabbits bear children frequently. Considering the latter reason, is the lunar surface color pattern not similar to a rabbit? Here, the similarity between rabbit and the lunar surface pattern was evaluated using seven AI architectures. In the test by CLIP, assuming that people look at the Moon in the early evening frequently, the lunar surface is more similar to a rabbit than a face at low latitude regions, while it can be classified as face as latitude increases, which is consistent with that the oldest literature about the Moon rabbit was written in India and that there is a culture of human's face in the Moon in Europe. Tested with ImageNet weights, ConvNeXt and CLIP sometimes classified the lunar surface pattern into rabbit with relatively high probabilities. Cultures are generated by our attitude to the environment. Both dynamic and static similarities may be required to induce our imagination.


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