Coding Gain for Age of Information in a Multi-source System with Erasure Channel
In our work, we study the age of information () in a multi-source system where K sources transmit updates of their time-varying processes via a common-aggregator node to a destination node through a channel with packet delivery errors. We analyze for an (α, β, ϵ_0, ϵ_1)-Gilbert-Elliot () packet erasure channel with a round-robin scheduling policy. We employ maximum distance separable () scheme at aggregator for encoding the multi-source updates. We characterize the mean for the coded system for the case of large blocklengths. We further show that the optimal coding rate that achieves maximum coding gain over the uncoded system is n(1-)-(n), where ≜β/α+βϵ_0 + α/α+βϵ_1, and this maximum coding gain is (1+)/(1+(1)).