COLA: How to adapt vision-language models to Compose Objects Localized with Attributes?

by   Arijit Ray, et al.

Compositional reasoning is a hallmark of human visual intelligence; yet despite the size of large vision-language models, they struggle to represent simple compositions by combining objects with their attributes. To measure this lack of compositional capability, we design Cola, a text-to-image retrieval benchmark to Compose Objects Localized with Attributes. Using Cola as a testbed, we explore modeling designs to adapt pre-trained vision-language models to reason compositionally about multiple attributes attached to multiple objects. We explore 6 finetuning strategies on 2 seminal vision-language models, using 3 finetuning datasets and 2 test benchmarks (Cola and CREPE). Surprisingly, our optimal finetuning strategy improves a 151M parameter CLIP, which disjointly encodes image and language during pretraining, to perform as well as a 241M parameter FLAVA, which uses a multi-modal transformer encoder during pretraining to attend over both vision and language modalities. This optimal finetuning strategy is a lightweight multi-modal adapter that jointly attends over both image and language features generated by the pretrained model. We show this works better than common strategies such as prompt/fine-tuning, or tuning a comparable number of unimodal layers.


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