Computing the least action ground state of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation by a normalized gradient flow

by   Chushan Wang, et al.

In this paper, we generalize the normalized gradient flow method which is first applied to computing the least energy ground state to compute the least action ground state. A continuous normalized gradient flow (CNGF) will be presented and the action decreasing property will be proved to provide a mathematical justification of the gradient flow with discrete normalization (GFDN). Then we use backward-forward Euler method to further discretize the GFDN in time which leads to the GFDN-BF scheme. We compare it with other three schemes which are modified from corresponding ones designed for the least energy ground state and the numerical results show that the GFDN-BF scheme performs much better than the others in accuracy, efficiency and robustness for large time steps. Extensive numerical results of least action ground states for several types of potentials are provided. We also use our numerical results to verify some existing results and lead to some conjectures.


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