ConsRec: Learning Consensus Behind Interactions for Group Recommendation

by   Xixi Wu, et al.

Since group activities have become very common in daily life, there is an urgent demand for generating recommendations for a group of users, referred to as group recommendation task. Existing group recommendation methods usually infer groups' preferences via aggregating diverse members' interests. Actually, groups' ultimate choice involves compromises between members, and finally, an agreement can be reached. However, existing individual information aggregation lacks a holistic group-level consideration, failing to capture the consensus information. Besides, their specific aggregation strategies either suffer from high computational costs or become too coarse-grained to make precise predictions. To solve the aforementioned limitations, in this paper, we focus on exploring consensus behind group behavior data. To comprehensively capture the group consensus, we innovatively design three distinct views which provide mutually complementary information to enable multi-view learning, including member-level aggregation, item-level tastes, and group-level inherent preferences. To integrate and balance the multi-view information, an adaptive fusion component is further proposed. As to member-level aggregation, different from existing linear or attentive strategies, we design a novel hypergraph neural network that allows for efficient hypergraph convolutional operations to generate expressive member-level aggregation. We evaluate our ConsRec on two real-world datasets and experimental results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods. An extensive case study also verifies the effectiveness of consensus modeling.


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