Constructing MSR codes with subpacketization 2^n/3 for k+1 helper nodes

by   Ningning Wang, et al.

Wang et al. (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 8, 2016) proposed an explicit construction of an (n=k+2,k) Minimum Storage Regenerating (MSR) code with 2 parity nodes and subpacketization 2^k/3. The number of helper nodes for this code is d=k+1=n-1, and this code has the smallest subpacketization among all the existing explicit constructions of MSR codes with the same n,k and d. In this paper, we present a new construction of MSR codes for a wider range of parameters. More precisely, we still fix d=k+1, but we allow the code length n to be any integer satisfying n≥ k+2. The field size of our code is linear in n, and the subpacketization of our code is 2^n/3. This value is slightly larger than the subpacketization of the construction by Wang et al. because their code construction only guarantees optimal repair for all the systematic nodes while our code construction guarantees optimal repair for all nodes.


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