Data Transmission based on Exact Inverse Periodic Nonlinear Fourier Transform, Part II: Waveform Design and Experiment

by   Jan-Willem Goossens, et al.

The nonlinear Fourier transform has the potential to overcome limits on performance and achievable data rates which arise in modern optical fiber communication systems when nonlinear interference is treated as noise. The periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT) has been much less investigated compared to its counterpart based on vanishing boundary conditions. In this paper, we design a first experiment based on the PNFT in which information is encoded in the invariant nonlinear main spectrum. To this end, we propose a method to construct a set of periodic waveforms which each have the same fixed period, by employing the exact inverse PNFT algorithm developed in Part I. We demonstrate feasibility of the transmission scheme in experiment in good agreement with simulations and obtain a bit-error ratio of 10^-3 over a distance of 2000km. It is shown that the transmission reach is significantly longer than expected from a naive estimate based on group velocity dispersion and cyclic prefix length, which is explained through a dominating solitonic component in the transmitted waveform. Our constellation design can be generalized to an arbitrary number of nonlinear degrees of freedom.


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