Deep Learning Enables Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Brain Metastases on Multi-Sequence MRI

by   Endre Grøvik, et al.

Detecting and segmenting brain metastases is a tedious and time-consuming task for many radiologists, particularly with the growing use of multi-sequence 3D imaging. This study demonstrates automated detection and segmentation of brain metastases on multi-sequence MRI using a deep learning approach based on a fully convolution neural network (CNN). In this retrospective study, a total of 156 patients with brain metastases from several primary cancers were included. Pre-therapy MR images (1.5T and 3T) included pre- and post-gadolinium T1-weighted 3D fast spin echo, post-gadolinium T1-weighted 3D axial IR-prepped FSPGR, and 3D fluid attenuated inversion recovery. The ground truth was established by manual delineation by two experienced neuroradiologists. CNN training/development was performed using 100 and 5 patients, respectively, with a 2.5D network based on a GoogLeNet architecture. The results were evaluated in 51 patients, equally separated into those with few (1-3), multiple (4-10), and many (>10) lesions. Network performance was evaluated using precision, recall, Dice/F1 score, and ROC-curve statistics. For an optimal probability threshold, detection and segmentation performance was assessed on a per metastasis basis. The area under the ROC-curve (AUC), averaged across all patients, was 0.98. The AUC in the subgroups was 0.99, 0.97, and 0.97 for patients having 1-3, 4-10, and >10 metastases, respectively. Using an average optimal probability threshold determined by the development set, precision, recall, and Dice-score were 0.79, 0.53, and 0.79, respectively. At the same probability threshold, the network showed an average false positive rate of 8.3/patient (no lesion-size limit) and 3.4/patient (10 mm3 lesion size limit). In conclusion, a deep learning approach using multi-sequence MRI can aid in the detection and segmentation of brain metastases.


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