Deep Offline Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Treatment Optimization Applications

by   Milashini Nambiar, et al.

There is increasing interest in data-driven approaches for dynamically choosing optimal treatment strategies in many chronic disease management and critical care applications. Reinforcement learning methods are well-suited to this sequential decision-making problem, but must be trained and evaluated exclusively on retrospective medical record datasets as direct online exploration is unsafe and infeasible. Despite this requirement, the vast majority of dynamic treatment optimization studies use off-policy RL methods (e.g., Double Deep Q Networks (DDQN) or its variants) that are known to perform poorly in purely offline settings. Recent advances in offline RL, such as Conservative Q-Learning (CQL), offer a suitable alternative. But there remain challenges in adapting these approaches to real-world applications where suboptimal examples dominate the retrospective dataset and strict safety constraints need to be satisfied. In this work, we introduce a practical transition sampling approach to address action imbalance during offline RL training, and an intuitive heuristic to enforce hard constraints during policy execution. We provide theoretical analyses to show that our proposed approach would improve over CQL. We perform extensive experiments on two real-world tasks for diabetes and sepsis treatment optimization to compare performance of the proposed approach against prominent off-policy and offline RL baselines (DDQN and CQL). Across a range of principled and clinically relevant metrics, we show that our proposed approach enables substantial improvements in expected health outcomes and in consistency with relevant practice and safety guidelines.


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