Dementia in England: Quantifying and analysing modifiable risk

by   Christopher Drowley, et al.

The prevalence of dementia is set to explode throughout the 21st century. This trend has already started in developed countries and will continue to place heavy pressures on both public health and social care services across the world. No cure for dementia is likely within the foreseeable future, however, medical research highlights the potential to diminish the risk of dementia onset. Over one-third of dementia cases may be preventable if certain risk factors are addressed at the individual, clinical, and population level. This research further explores these modifiable risk factors and quantifies areal risk through the use of a composite index. The index operates at National Health Service Clinical Commission Group level to assess spatial differences across England. Clear spatial patterns are observed between the north and south of the country, and between London and the remainder of the country. The framework adopted in this research provides a firm foundation upon which similar indices could be produced, potentially at finer spatial resolutions, incorporating more informed local knowledge and data on relevant dementia risk factors.


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