Demystifying RCE Vulnerabilities in LLM-Integrated Apps

by   Tong Liu, et al.

In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable potential across various downstream tasks. LLM-integrated frameworks, which serve as the essential infrastructure, have given rise to many LLM-integrated web apps. However, some of these frameworks suffer from Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary code on apps' servers remotely via prompt injections. Despite the severity of these vulnerabilities, no existing work has been conducted for a systematic investigation of them. This leaves a great challenge on how to detect vulnerabilities in frameworks as well as LLM-integrated apps in real-world scenarios. To fill this gap, we present two novel strategies, including 1) a static analysis-based tool called LLMSmith to scan the source code of the framework to detect potential RCE vulnerabilities and 2) a prompt-based automated testing approach to verify the vulnerability in LLM-integrated web apps. We discovered 13 vulnerabilities in 6 frameworks, including 12 RCE vulnerabilities and 1 arbitrary file read/write vulnerability. 11 of them are confirmed by the framework developers, resulting in the assignment of 7 CVE IDs. After testing 51 apps, we found vulnerabilities in 17 apps, 16 of which are vulnerable to RCE and 1 to SQL injection. We responsibly reported all 17 issues to the corresponding developers and received acknowledgments. Furthermore, we amplify the attack impact beyond achieving RCE by allowing attackers to exploit other app users (e.g. app responses hijacking, user API key leakage) without direct interaction between the attacker and the victim. Lastly, we propose some mitigating strategies for improving the security awareness of both framework and app developers, helping them to mitigate these risks effectively.


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