DER Forecast using Privacy Preserving Federated Learning
With increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in grid edge including renewable generation, flexible loads, and storage, accurate prediction of distributed generation and consumption at the consumer level becomes important. However, DER prediction based on the transmission of customer level data, either repeatedly or in large amounts, is not feasible due to privacy concerns. In this paper, a distributed machine learning approach, Federated Learning, is proposed to carry out DER forecasting using a network of IoT nodes, each of which transmits a model of the consumption and generation patterns without revealing consumer data. We consider a simulation study which includes 1000 DERs, and show that our method leads to an accurate prediction of preserve consumer privacy, while still leading to an accurate forecast. We also evaluate grid-specific performance metrics such as load swings and load curtailment and show that our FL algorithm leads to satisfactory performance. Simulations are also performed on the Pecan street dataset to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach on real data.