Dimension-reduced KRnet maps for high-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems

by   Yani Feng, et al.

We present a dimension-reduced KRnet map approach (DR-KRnet) for high-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems, which is based on an explicit construction of a map that pushes forward the prior measure to the posterior measure in the latent space. Our approach consists of two main components: data-driven VAE prior and density approximation of the posterior of the latent variable. In reality, it may not be trivial to initialize a prior distribution that is consistent with available prior data; in other words, the complex prior information is often beyond simple hand-crafted priors. We employ variational autoencoder (VAE) to approximate the underlying distribution of the prior dataset, which is achieved through a latent variable and a decoder. Using the decoder provided by the VAE prior, we reformulate the problem in a low-dimensional latent space. In particular, we seek an invertible transport map given by KRnet to approximate the posterior distribution of the latent variable. Moreover, an efficient physics-constrained surrogate model without any labeled data is constructed to reduce the computational cost of solving both forward and adjoint problems involved in likelihood computation. With numerical experiments, we demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of DR-KRnet for high-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems.


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