Dissecting adaptive methods in GANs

by   Samy Jelassi, et al.

Adaptive methods are a crucial component widely used for training generative adversarial networks (GANs). While there has been some work to pinpoint the "marginal value of adaptive methods" in standard tasks, it remains unclear why they are still critical for GAN training. In this paper, we formally study how adaptive methods help train GANs; inspired by the grafting method proposed in arXiv:2002.11803 [cs.LG], we separate the magnitude and direction components of the Adam updates, and graft them to the direction and magnitude of SGDA updates respectively. By considering an update rule with the magnitude of the Adam update and the normalized direction of SGD, we empirically show that the adaptive magnitude of Adam is key for GAN training. This motivates us to have a closer look at the class of normalized stochastic gradient descent ascent (nSGDA) methods in the context of GAN training. We propose a synthetic theoretical framework to compare the performance of nSGDA and SGDA for GAN training with neural networks. We prove that in that setting, GANs trained with nSGDA recover all the modes of the true distribution, whereas the same networks trained with SGDA (and any learning rate configuration) suffer from mode collapse. The critical insight in our analysis is that normalizing the gradients forces the discriminator and generator to be updated at the same pace. We also experimentally show that for several datasets, Adam's performance can be recovered with nSGDA methods.


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