Educating Educators to Integrate Inclusive Design Across a 4-Year CS Degree Program

by   Lara Letaw, et al.

How can an entire CS faculty, who together have been teaching the ACM standard CS curricula, shift to teaching elements of inclusive design across a 4-year undergraduate CS program? And will they even want to try? To investigate these questions, we developed an educate-the-educators curriculum to support this shift. The overall goal of the educate-the-educators curriculum was to enable CS faculty to creatively engage with embedding inclusive design into their courses in "minimally invasive" ways. GenderMag, an inclusive design evaluation method, was selected for use. The curriculum targeted the following learning outcomes: to enable CS faculty: (1) to analyze the costs and benefits of integrating inclusive design into their own course(s); (2) to evaluate software using the GenderMag method, and recognize its use to identify meaningful issues in software; (3) to integrate inclusive design into existing course materials with provided resources and collaboration; and (4) to prepare to engage and guide students on learning GenderMag concepts. We conducted a field study over a spring/summer followed by end-of-fall interviews, during which we worked with 18 faculty members to integrate inclusive design into 13 courses. Ten of these faculty then taught 7 of these courses that were on the Fall 2021 schedule, across 16 sections. We present the new educate-the-educators curriculum and report on the faculty's experiences acting upon it over the three-month field study and subsequent interviews. Our results showed that, of the 18 faculty we worked with, 83 courses; by Fall 2021, faculty across all four years of a CS degree program had begun teaching inclusive design concepts. When we followed up with the 10 Fall 2021 faculty, 91 of inclusive design concepts in their courses went as well as or better than expected.


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