Efficient Architecture-Aware Acceleration of BWA-MEM for Multicore Systems

by   Vasimuddin Md, et al.

Innovations in Next-Generation Sequencing are enabling generation of DNA sequence data at ever faster rates and at very low cost. Large sequencing centers typically employ hundreds of such systems. Such high-throughput and low-cost generation of data underscores the need for commensurate acceleration in downstream computational analysis of the sequencing data. A fundamental step in downstream analysis is mapping of the reads to a long reference DNA sequence, such as a reference human genome. Sequence mapping is a compute-intensive step that accounts for more than 30 the GATK workflow. BWA-MEM is one of the most widely used tools for sequence mapping and has tens of thousands of users. In this work, we focus on accelerating BWA-MEM through an efficient architecture aware implementation, while maintaining identical output. The volume of data requires distributed computing environment, usually deploying multicore processors. Since the application can be easily parallelized for distributed memory systems, we focus on performance improvements on a single socket multicore processor. BWA-MEM run time is dominated by three kernels, collectively responsible for more than 85 improved the performance of these kernels by 1) improving cache reuse, 2) simplifying the algorithms, 3) replacing small fragmented memory allocations with a few large contiguous ones, 4) software prefetching, and 5) SIMD utilization wherever applicable - and massive reorganization of the source code enabling these improvements. As a result, we achieved nearly 2x, 183x, and 8x speedups on the three kernels, respectively, resulting in up to 3.5x and 2.4x speedups on end-to-end compute time over the original BWA-MEM on single thread and single socket of Intel Xeon Skylake processor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest reported speedup over BWA-MEM.


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