Efficient Diversity-Driven Ensemble for Deep Neural Networks

by   Wentao Zhang, et al.

The ensemble of deep neural networks has been shown, both theoretically and empirically, to improve generalization accuracy on the unseen test set. However, the high training cost hinders its efficiency since we need a sufficient number of base models and each one in the ensemble has to be separately trained. Lots of methods are proposed to tackle this problem, and most of them are based on the feature that a pre-trained network can transfer its knowledge to the next base model and then accelerate the training process. However, these methods suffer a severe problem that all of them transfer knowledge without selection and thus lead to low diversity. As the effect of ensemble learning is more pronounced if ensemble members are accurate and diverse, we propose a method named Efficient Diversity-Driven Ensemble (EDDE) to address both the diversity and the efficiency of an ensemble. To accelerate the training process, we propose a novel knowledge transfer method which can selectively transfer the previous generic knowledge. To enhance diversity, we first propose a new diversity measure, then use it to define a diversity-driven loss function for optimization. At last, we adopt a Boosting-based framework to combine the above operations, such a method can also further improve diversity. We evaluate EDDE on Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Compared with other well-known ensemble methods, EDDE can get highest ensemble accuracy with the lowest training cost, which means it is efficient in the ensemble of neural networks.


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