Efficient Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Federated Machine Learning

by   Rouzbeh Behnia, et al.

Federated learning introduces a novel approach to training machine learning (ML) models on distributed data while preserving user's data privacy. This is done by distributing the model to clients to perform training on their local data and computing the final model at a central server. To prevent any data leakage from the local model updates, various works with focus on secure aggregation for privacy preserving federated learning have been proposed. Despite their merits, most of the existing protocols still incur high communication and computation overhead on the participating entities and might not be optimized to efficiently handle the large update vectors for ML models. In this paper, we present E-seaML, a novel secure aggregation protocol with high communication and computation efficiency. E-seaML only requires one round of communication in the aggregation phase and it is up to 318x and 1224x faster for the user and the server (respectively) as compared to its most efficient counterpart. E-seaML also allows for efficiently verifying the integrity of the final model by allowing the aggregation server to generate a proof of honest aggregation for the participating users. This high efficiency and versatility is achieved by extending (and weakening) the assumption of the existing works on the set of honest parties (i.e., users) to a set of assisting nodes. Therefore, we assume a set of assisting nodes which assist the aggregation server in the aggregation process. We also discuss, given the minimal computation and communication overhead on the assisting nodes, how one could assume a set of rotating users to as assisting nodes in each iteration. We provide the open-sourced implementation of E-seaML for public verifiability and testing.


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