Enhanced Sentiment Extraction Architecture for Social Media Content Analysis Using Capsule Networks

by   Dulani Meedeniya, et al.

Recent research has produced efficient algorithms based on deep learning for text-based analytics. Such architectures could be readily applied to text-based social media content analysis. The deep learning techniques, which require comparatively fewer resources for language modeling, can be effectively used to process social media content data that change regularly. Convolutional Neural networks and recurrent neural networks based approaches have reported prominent performance in this domain, yet their limitations make them sub-optimal. Capsule networks sufficiently warrant their applicability in language modelling tasks as a promising technique beyond their initial usage of image classification. This study proposes an approach based on capsule networks for social media content analysis, especially for Twitter. We empirically show that our approach is optimal even without the use of any linguistic resources. The proposed architectures produced an accuracy of 86.87% for the Twitter Sentiment Gold dataset and an accuracy of 82.04% for the CrowdFlower US Airline dataset, indicating state-of-the-art performance. Hence, the research findings indicate noteworthy accuracy enhancement for text processing within social media content analysis.


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