Estimating Sibling Spillover Effects with Unobserved Confounding Using Gain-Scores

by   David C. Mallinson, et al.

A growing area of research in epidemiology is the identification of health-related sibling spillover effects, or the effect of one individual's exposure on their sibling's outcome. The health and health care of family members may be inextricably confounded by unobserved factors, rendering identification of spillover effects within families particularly challenging. We demonstrate a gain-score regression method for identifying exposure-to-outcome spillover effects within sibling pairs in a linear fixed effects framework. The method can identify the exposure-to-outcome spillover effect if only one sibling's exposure affects the other's outcome; and it identifies the difference between the spillover effects if both siblings' exposures affect the others' outcomes. The method fails in the presence of outcome-to-exposure spillover and outcome-to-outcome spillover. Analytic results and Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the method and its limitations. To exercise this method, we estimate the spillover effect of a child's preterm birth on an older sibling's literacy skills, measured by the Phonological Awarenesses Literacy Screening-Kindergarten test. We analyze 20,010 sibling pairs from a population-wide, Wisconsin-based (United States) birth cohort. Without covariate adjustment, we estimate that preterm birth modestly decreases an older sibling's test score (-2.11 points; 95 -0.40 points). In conclusion, gain-scores are a promising strategy for identifying exposure-to-outcome spillovers in sibling pairs while controlling for sibling-invariant unobserved confounding in linear settings.


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